Pender Island Church Information:
Located next to the library and New-To-Yu
4405 Bedwell Harbour Road. North Pender Island
Sunday worship services are at 10:00 am July – August
Sunday worship services are at 10:45 am Sept – June
Tuesday afternoons there is Bible Study at the Church.
Every second Sunday is a Communion Service.
There is usually Sunday School for children during the service. Call to be sure.
General Information:
There is no full time pastor for this church, they have guest speakers each week. Look in the Pender Post or the Community Cable Channel for the list of upcoming speakers.
Contact Information:
Call Helen Allison for more information (250) 629-3527
Call Keith Pincott for more information about Bible Study (250) 629-6797
Two churches on Pender with multiple services
Located between the Inn on Pender and the Driftwood Centre
4703 Canal Road. North Pender Island – (St. Peter’s)
Located right next to Poets Cove Resort
Gowlland Point Road on South Pender Island – (Good Sheppard)
They offer two Sunday services on North Pender and one service on South Pender.
St. Peter’s has a circle service at 9:00 am on Sundays – Contemporary Service
This is a casual service, held in the church hall. Chairs are placed in a circle, songs are put on the overhead projector. It is a Eucharist service where each participant serves the next.
St. Peter’s has a traditional service at 11:00 am on Sundays – Traditional Service
This is a traditional service held in the church.
Good Sheppard’s service on South Pender is held at 4:00 pm on Sundays.
Contact Information:
The Rector for these services is The Reverend Walter Donald
Church office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30 am – 11:30 am
Church office (250) 629-3634
Hall Bookings Anna Knister (250) 629-3816
Located by Magic Lake across from the Danny Martin Ball Park
4705 Buccaneers Road
For each Sunday of each month – this is the schedule
First & Third Sunday 12:30 pm Eucharist, Father Anthony Divinagracia, celebrant
Second & fifth Sunday 10:00 am Liturgy of the Word with Communion
Forth Sunday 10:00 am Eucharist, Father John Smith, celebrant
Contact Information:
Mary Adele Mulligan (250) 629-3141
Michael Doyle (250) 629-3862